The second season of Adult Swim’s animated dark comedy “Smiling Friends” premiered on April 1, and the first two episodes on the streaming service Max on May 12. It garnered a positive reception from critics, social media, and television audiences. The first season’s success, which sparked widespread internet fame with copious memes and parodies, set a high bar for the new season. Animators Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel, who each achieved previous successes in online cartoon media, partnered to create Cusack’s most recent and Hadel’s first professional television animated series. They combined their ironic artistic and writing styles for an excellent experience filled with snappy, clever jokes. The show follows the titular Smiling Friends, a group of four workers and one boss (Marc M.) tasked with making people smile and leading them into wacky and sometimes brutally violent adventures. The lead characters are critters: the pink and cheerful Pim Pimling (Cusack) and the lowkey, level-headed yellow Charlie Dompler (Hadel).”

In the TV series, her middle name is “Friday”. In the Spanish-language version, her name is Miércoles Addams (Spain [Wednesday in Spanish]) or Merlina Addams (Latin America). In the Brazilian version, her name is Wandinha (Little Wanda in Portuguese), and in Italy, her name is Mercoledì (Wednesday in Italian).

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